Design ID Lecture 'Lean Design, the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals and Us'

We attended Design ID's interesting lecture and panel discussion last night on the importance of carbon reduction creating a sustainable development within construction. The importance of construction within UN's 17 sustainable development goals, (SDGs) was highlighted, bringing home the importance of our choices as designers and their significant effects on the carbon footprint of the buildings we design.

We were delighted to see one of our award winning projects used as an exemplar within DesignID's presentation. Having worked collaboratively with DesignID on the Creative Industries Building, the design team achieved a reduction in carbon usage through the retention and refurbishment of the existing industrial building; Testing and maximising the utilisation of the existing structure and the implementation of a 7m structural grid within the new extension to optimise steel framework.

Please click the link below to see more of this project.

A great night was had by all and we look forward to continuing our working relationship with DesignID.

Design ID Consulting Limited