The former site was occupied by an 3.5 storey hotel building (formerly known as Curran Court Hotel). The building had remained unused since 2017 when the Hotel business relocated to a different site within Larne. The former hotel building was falling into disrepair and had since been vandalized as well as being riddled with asbestos material.
We were appointed by Connswater Homes in 2018, following a design concept tender to deliver 16no. 3-person 2 bed apartments, comprising of: 14 no. apartments Category 1 for the active elderly and 2no. wheelchair accessible apartments.
The proposal is sited on and replaces the former Curran Court Hotel. The existing hotel building was a prominent feature on the corner junction of Curran Road and Tower Road, informing the relationship of heights and characterization to be maintained in the design process. The design provides spacious living arrangements and captivating views, with a seamless blend of modern materials and aesthetics, creating a softened colour palette that ties back to its immediate surroundings.
The development will help meet the current and projected increase in the need for high quality social housing accommodation.
Existing & Proposed Street Elevation